Mijn naam is Daan en ik ga in 2022 elke dag een cleanup uitvoeren met mijn 365 Cleanup Tour. Start= 1 januari.
De meeste dagen zal ik dit waarschijnlijk alleen doen; tijdens wandelingen, sporten, op het strand, in de natuur en steden. Samen kunnen we echter veel meer impact maken dus ik daag iedereen uit mij te gaan helpen.
Hoe het jaar eruit gaat zien weet helaas niemand maar ik weet wel dat ik het gewoon ga doen!
Ik wil graag helpen om het #bewustzijn te verhogen rondom plastic, zwerfafval, oceaanplastic en onze bijdrage als consument hieraan. We kunnen de wereld elke dag een klein beetje mooier maken.
Ook hoop ik op een #activatie; iedereen kan helpen om de reeds bestaande uitdagingen op te lossen. Door op te ruimen en tegelijk lekker actief te zijn. Goed voor jezelf, voor andere mensen én dieren én goed voor de planeet.
Wil je mij helpen? Dat kan! Ik ga aan de slag met deze 4 thema’s.
* Company Cleanups: Book Me
* Charity Cleanups: Support Me & Join Me
* Solo Cleanups: Follow Me
* School Cleanups: Teach Me
Jouw donatie gaat volledig naar een cleanup project!
Target Earth Foundation is een Nederlandse stichting en is 5 jaar actief in het vrijwillig opzetten van Beach cleanups zoals de landelijke Beach Cleanup NL van 2020 en 2021 en internationale cleanups, zoals in Bangladesh. Deze Nederlandse stichting wil heel graag haar (Beach) cleanup concept uitbreiden naar andere landen en jouw donatie gaat dit mogelijk maken!
Dit jaar staat op de agenda en wensenlijst:
* Beach Cleanup NL
* Beach Cleanup 365 International
* Project ‘Innovation’
Meer informatie & Doneer hier:
Dank je wel!
Daan Strang van PlogSack
My name is Daan and I will be performing a cleanup every day in 2022 with my 365 Cleanup Tour.
Most days I will probably do this alone; during walks, sports, on the beach, in nature and cities. Together we can make a lot more impact, so I challenge everyone to help me! Unfortunately no one knows what the year will look like, but I do know that I will just do it!
I would like to help raise awareness about plastic, litter, ocean plastic and our contribution as consumers to this. We can make the world a little bit more beautiful every day.
I also hope for an activation; that people see that we can all help to solve the problems that already exist. By cleaning up and being active at the same time. Good for yourself, for other people and animals and good for the planet.
I have been involved in Beach cleanups for years and in 2020 I visited and cleaned the entire Dutch coast with my PlogSack Beach Cleanup Tour. That same year I also introduced the PlogSack. In 2021 I again organized the Beach Cleanup Tour: with the theme ‘The Wave’ I cleaned the coast in May and July. In July, for example, Steef and I walked the entire coast in just 11 days. This was followed by several Company Cleanups!
I am the founder of Target Earth Foundation, and I am an entrepreneur with my company Lightworker Now and with that creator of the PlogSack. I use these sustainable cleanup (waste) bags during my cleanups.
Call it plogging, litter picking, beach cleaning or just cleaning up litter during the walk: these are all concepts that make the world a little bit more beautiful and that is the goal.
Do you want to help me? Please do! Many hands make light work. Maybe you want to lend a hand as well? I will be active with the following 4 themes this year.
* Charity Cleanups: Join our public cleanups and help make them possible with your donation. 100% of the donations go to the sustainable projects of Target Earth Foundation such as Beach Cleanup NL and Beach Cleanup 365 International.
* Company Cleanups: Companies can book me for a cleanup! Company outings and workshops. Email at info@plogsack.com. Sponsor one or more days of the 365 cleanup tour!
* Solo Cleanups: Every day I pick up something. Sometimes a little, often a lot! #make a mini-difference. You can follow me on social media, sponsor a day with a donation and of course come and help or go out and post about it with the hashtag #365cleanuptour!
* School Cleanups: We can be booked for guest lessons and lectures about plastic soup, sustainability and cleanups. We also like to perform a cleanup with the kids. In collaboration with NATURAL with Steef. Mail at info@plogsack.com
Your donation will go entirely to a cleanup project!
Target Earth Foundation is a Dutch foundation and has been active for 5 years in setting up Beach cleanups completely voluntarily. For example, every year in January in Wijk aan Zee, more than 150 people clean up with a New Year’s cleanup and there have already been cleanups in several countries! The national Beach Cleanup NL of 2020 and 2021 also deserve a sequel, right?
This year’s agenda and wish list are:
– Beach Cleanup NL
– Beach Cleanup 365 International
Target Earth Foundation would love to expand its (Beach) cleanup concept to other countries and your donation will make this possible!
– Project ‘Innovation’
Will you help us carry out these projects again with your donation?
This promotion is independently organized by PlogSack and Target Earth Foundation. This project aims to raise awareness, activate people to make a difference, increase brand awareness among all parties and collect donations to enable Target Earth Foundation projects. This project is not an event. We follow the guidelines of the RIVM.
Partners & sponsors 365 Cleanup Tour